What is the Average Room Temperature?

Temperature is right away one of the key factors to consider when it comes to the comfort of the indoors. But what is the best or average room temperature, specifically, the one that people consider as appropriate and not too warm or chilly? In this article, the reader will discover the precise temperature that people tend to use for comfortable room temperature, what influences it, and how to properly adjust the thermostat.

What is the Average Temperature Comfort for a Room?:

The answer to this question depends on personal preference and geographical location.

The general recommended average temperature that people suggest for rooms is between 68 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit (20 to 22 Celsius). This is not too cold so that one starts to shiver, but not too hot, as when one starts sweating. Anything above 72°F can be described as warm, which is quite uncomfortable for performing most forms of work or other activities that involve little movement. Rates below 68°F are found to cause cold complaint discomfort.

However, the best temperature for a room depends little on discretion; it is the discretion of the occupants. The body of some people tends to produce more heat or be less warm, or even cold, by default. However, most people should try to keep the thermostat setting at or above the suggested comfortable temperature of 68-72 °F during wakeful periods.

Certain aspects control the ability to get a comfortable room temperature.

Several variables affect perceived temperature comfort beyond just the number on the thermostat:

- Humidity Levels: Higher humidity levels cause the air inside a building to feel warmer due to an increased sense of dampness. It is important to note that dry air acts as a good conductor of heat as it aids in heat loss by our body.

- Activity Level: Cognitively, there is an agreement that during physical activities, set points are lower than baseline levels to accommodate heat production.

- Exposure Time: As the deviation from the ideal temperature increases, the level of discomfort will rise if people are constantly exposed to warmer or cooler climates outside the thermoneutral zone.

- Radiant Heat Sources: This is because if you sit close to the heat source, you feel warmer than the set point of the temperature as per the thermometer. Avoid placing the unit next to radiators, fire, stoves, etc.

- Air Movement: The airflow, necessary to evaporate sweat, is felt when there is a gentle breeze, but when there is too much air, it becomes cold.

- Sun Exposure: South/west-facing rooms are usually exposed to direct sunlight which causes heat. These effects and others should be reduced and this can be achieved by closing curtains or shades.

Due to these factors, it may be impossible to maintain a standard temperature comfort for a group and therefore the setting on the thermostat must be compromised. It is advised to give them multiple layers of clothing and multiple layers of blankets so that they can strip down or layer up depending on their comfort.

Thermostat settings can be confusing and people struggle with determining the best way to set it for cooling and heating.

Follow these tips for optimizing your programmable thermostat without wasting energy:

- Occupancy Sensing: Activate a higher temperature when you are out or when sleeping. Each 5°F decrease is up to 10% savings on heating costs.

- Pre-Heating/Cooling: It is acceptable for temperatures to fluctuate slightly above or below the ideal range when the area is not in use, so bring them back about 30 minutes before the space is needed.

- Seasonal Shift: The recommended levels are to be gradually increased by several degrees in summer or vice versa, reduced in winter to match climate standards.

- Fan Setting: Auto-mode must be used. In pre-leveled buildings, re-circulation of air is counterproductive and adds to energy consumption.

By planning the thermostat to ensure that rooms do not overheat or cool overmuch when not in use, active heating or cooling is not needed all the time. At the same time, do not undercool too much at night, or recovery during the day is very energy-intensive. Identify the optimal temperature that means the rooms are always comfortable for most parts of the day.

What are the optimal temperatures to set your home’s thermostats at? Please add more tips you may have regarding thermostats in the comment section.