How to Secure a Sliding Glass Door ?

They are one of the most effective types of doors, as they allow for beautiful views and a lot of light to come into the room. However, they can act as an easy target of entry to the intruders in case they are not well protected. Here are some tips to improve the security of the sliding glass door of your home and make your home safer:

Install a Security Bar
A security bar sometimes known as a Charlie bar, is a second locking point for extra security for the sliding door which is quite cheap and can be set easily. They are inserted between the door frame and can be twisted to lock the door even though the lock is jimmied. Most security bars can be purchased at a local hardware store for $20-$50.

Upgrade the Existing Lock
Many of the regular sliding door locks are usually the latch type of locks and such doors are easily violated by intruders. Re-keying or changing to a higher security door lock, either the multi-point lock or deadbolt lock will considerably improve your door security. Multi-point locks operate several lock points into the door frame and deadbolt locks even include a solid metal bolt for utmost security.

Add Motion Sensor Lights
Motion sensor floodlights are effective in preventing burglars from entering homes, especially when placed at the sliding door, or spotlight, which targets the sliding door area. These are easy to identify when there is an object movement because they immediately turn on the light and the criminals also feel like they are being watched hence they run for their dear lives. The lights should be placed in locations that are difficult to access, ideally on the ceiling or on high shelves.

Use Security Film
Security film comprised of very hard plastic material and this can be applied to the glass sliding door. This serves to deter the intruders as it makes the glass a lot harder to break or possibly bash through. Security film also keeps the broken glass fragments in place in case the glass pane is broken, it cannot be easily breached.

Avoid having Bushes and decorating items within the compound.
Do not put flower pots or any other pieces of furniture for decoration that can obscure the locks or give a potential intruder a place to hide beside the slider. Cutting down undergrowth and bushes also reduces any hideout and allows you to easily detect any unwanted people around access points.

It may be interesting to note that specific attention should be paid to sealing the sliding glass doors properly. The added cost of locks, lights, and other security features could do a great deal to dissuade burglars from finding your home an easy target. Safe your house and your loved ones from criminals minimize their chance to enter your house and remain outside.